Browsing School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology by Title
Now showing items 240-259 of 298
The relative importance of healthy food labels when shopping for groceries online
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Healthy food labels are a widely used form of intervention that nudges consumers towards healthier choices. This study investigates the relative importance of healthy food labels on the consumers’ online choice of grocery. ... -
Resource and dependency based test case generation for RESTful Web services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Response to the global financial crisis: a follow-up study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
A Review of Formal and Informal Regulations in the Nordic Influencer Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article provides a systematic review of laws, guidelines, and best practices related to the Nordic influencer industry as of the year 2020. We highlight some nuanced differences or shortfalls across Denmark, Finland, ... -
A Review of Formal and Informal Regulations in the Nordic Influencer Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article provides a systematic review of laws, guidelines, and best practices related to the Nordic influencer industry as of the year 2020. We highlight some nuanced differences or shortfalls across Denmark, Finland, ... -
Samskapende sosial innovasjon, en snarvei til et bærekraftig velferdssamfunn?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018-10-01)Velferdsstaten Norge trenger hjelp til å løse fremtidens velferdsbehov. Et av disse problemområdene er rusproblematikken. Statistikken for overdosedødsfall har vært lik de siste årene. Dette indikerer at eksisterende ... -
Samskaping i SpareBank 1 - Hvordan benytter SpareBank 1 seg av samskaping i utviklingen av nye tjenester?
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-10-07)I denne oppgaven ser vi nærmere på fenomenet samskaping i henhold til SpareBank 1. I korte trekk henviser samskaping til hvordan samspillet mellom bedrift og kunde kan resultere i økt verdi og innovasjon. Formålet med ... -
Secure and failure hybrid delay enabled a lightweight RPC and SHDS schemes in Industry 4.0 aware IIoHT enabled fog computing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)These days, the Industrial Internet of Healthcare Things (IIT) enabled applications have been growing progressively in practice. These applications are ubiquitous and run onto the different computing nodes for healthcare ... -
Secure Collaborative Augmented Reality Framework for Biomedical Informatics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Augmented reality is currently a great interest in biomedical health informatics. At the same time, several challenges have been appeared, in particular with the rapid progress of smart sensors technologies, and medical ... -
Selvledelse: en bevisstgjøring
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-04-30)SAMMENDRAG Bakgrunn Forfatterne har gjennom tre år på Kaospilotene tilegnet seg en gryende interesse for selvet som fenomen og selvledelse som en bevisst handling. Vi tror at det finnes bred interesse for begrepet ... -
Sensor data fusion for the industrial artificial intelligence of things
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The emergence of smart sensors, artificial intelligence, and deep learning technologies yield artificial intelligence of things, also known as the AIoT. Sophisticated cooperation of these technologies is vital for the ... -
A Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of Heuristics for Dew Computing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The evolution of smartphones allows the continuous exploitation of computing resources. This increasingly applies also to distributed environments as exemplified through utilization of network router loads in edge computing ... -
Sirkulær økonomi: En kvalitativ studie om bedrifters grad av sirkularitet
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Sirkulær økonomi er motsetningen til dagens lineære økonomi og kan defineres som den mest bærekraftige forretningsmodellen. Utfordringene ved implementering av sirkularitet for bedrifter er brudd med dagens trygge rammer ... -
Skjønnhetsidealet i reklame.
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-10-28)Hovedtemaet for denne bacheloroppgaven er skjønnhetsidealet i reklame, og om det har påvirkningskraft på selvbildet til unge kvinner. Målet med oppgaven er å se hvordan unge kvinner blir påvirket av skjønnhetsidealet ... -
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment
(Chapter, 2023)Shopping carts, in general, should be suitable for carrying smart technology in the retail store environment. Also, a smart shopping cart can present verbal motivating stimuli to increase healthier food purchases. A conjoint ... -
Social CRM in SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)mall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the prime movers of economic progress. The pace of digital disruption enables SMEs to innovate and flourish by strategically combining social media use with customer engagement ... -
Social media: Where customers air their troubles—How to respond to them?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Software Development for Mobile Computing, the Internet of Things and Wearable Devices: Inspecting the Past to Understand the Future
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Currently a convergence in software development for mobile computing (including mobile devices and special technology such as wearables) and the Internet of Things (IoT) can be observed. Devices from the fields are becoming ... -
SS-ITS: secure scalable intelligent transportation systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)