Hvordan god rekrutteringspraksis kan hindre destruktiv ledelse og fremme samskapende ledelse
Abstract: The purpose of the chapter is to increase the understanding of how recruitment practices affect management practices. To explore the consequences of hiring inadequate managers, the author poses the following three research questions:
1) Why are unqualified candidates employed in management positions? 2) What
are the consequences of poor managerial recruitment at a micro and macro level?
3) How can the incidence of poor managerial recruitment be reduced? Through the
empirical generalization method, empirical causal models are developed to describe
the overall mechanisms and processes in each of the three research questions. The
author develops a conceptual analysis and system perspective of inadequate recruitment practices and co-creative management practices.
Success in the leadership role will always be a function of both individual and
contextual conditions. Thus, in recruitment and selection it is crucial that the context in which the manager is to perform the leadership role is analyzed, and that
this work is considered an integral part of the company’s strategic investments.
Recruitment and selection of leaders requires that contextual characteristics and
considerations are explored and emphasized. Such leadership practice contributes
to a healthy working environment, increased productivity, lower turnover, and positive employer branding