A Bibliometric Analysis of the HICSS Software Technology Track
Original version
Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 2020, 6671-6680. 10.24251/hicss.2020.816Abstract
The HICSS Software Technology track has a long tradition and many papers have been published as part of its history. Its impact in terms of citations, paper contributions, author share and community impact does not yet seem to have been investigated, though. In particular, software technology has evolved, and as it stands, it is of primary importance for mobile computing, the Internet-of-Things and Cyber-physical Systems. Hence, the development of these topics and the related impact of this track are of particular interest. In this paper, we present a bibliographic analysis as a first step towards such an investigation. We found that the history of the track is indeed noteworthy. Our results include finding a few extremely much cited papers, some curious tendencies, and a generally favourable outlook for HICSS. We found that indeed many papers in the history of this HICSS track addressed mobile technology and are highly cited. Together with providing insight into track, paper and author impact, we also raise questions worth of further investigation to understand the role of the HICSS Software Technology track and its impact on the academic field and society.