Investigating the factors of customer experiences using real-life text-based banking chatbot: a qualitative study in Norway
In recent times, banks have increasingly started using chatbots to offer round-the-clock customer service. However, customers experience with this type of technology is not well understood. The aim of this study was to get an in-depth understanding of factors affecting customer experience with a banking chatbot. Eight participants interacted with a real-life banking chatbot to complete a simple task (order a credit/debit card) and a complex task (apply for a housing loan). Semi-structured interviews were then conducted to examine chatbot-related factors (ease of use, miscommunication errors and human-likeness) and user-related factors (perceptions, future behaviors). The findings indicate that the human-like factors like a human personality, use of emojis, willingness to help, and polite communication style, have a positive impact of customer experience with banking chatbots. The chatbot's ability to understand questions was a critical factor. Miscommunication errors have negative impact, especially when the task is a simple one. Takeaway from this study is that banks should inform customers about the limits of the chatbot's abilities. In addition, they should communicate that the chatbot is safe to use for complex tasks. Successful development and implementation of chatbots for customer service require a customer centric approach from banks.