Browsing Studentarbeider fra Institutt for teknologi by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Consumer brand post engagement on Facebook and Instagram – A study of three interior design brands
(Peer reviewed; Conference object, 2019)Social media has become an important part of consumers’ brand interaction. This study takes a content analysis research approach in order to investigate the content type of three interior brands’ postings on two popular ... -
Exploring the Sustainability Phenomenon in the Norwegian ERP Market
(Master thesis, 2020-05)This study investigates first how sustainability is perceived by the ERP market, defined through the Triple Bottom Line, which relates to economic (profit), environmental (planet) and social (people) sustainability. Second, ... -
Awareness of Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Projects
(Master thesis, 2020-05)In this master thesis, we have researched how different companies in the software development sector in Norway handles non-functional requirements, and which requirements should be emphasized. This has been ... -
Tired of Reminding Your Coworkers? : An Experimental Study on the Effects of Gamification on Task Performance
(Master thesis, 2020-05)Gamification is a rising trend in academia and an exciting concept for practitioners across different industries. There are many promising effects related to gamification, but all are related to increased engagement. One ... -
Internet of Things (IoT) - Ecosystem and Indoor Climate Dashboard for Visualization in Domestic Homes
(Master thesis, 2020-06)Internet of Things (IoT) has become a ubiquitous ”thing” that we are not aware of. It fits right into daily life as we do our chores, making it simpler without us knowing it in the background. IoT is a ”thing” that digitalizes ... -
A Case Study on Digital Competence in the Norwegian Banking Sector
(Master thesis, 2020-06-08)Innovation starts with people, making humans an integral part of an organizations growth and development. While this 21st-century is crowded with disruptive technologies and ground-breaking innovations, this master thesis ... -
Adswitch - En brukersentrert annonsebygger
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten omhandler vår utvikling av Adswitch, en annonsebygger som gir Schibsteds kunder økt frihet og større kontroll over egen annonsering, gjennom en ukomplisert og intuitiv løsning, som også er tids- og ... -
An exploration of post-adoption evaluation and factors influencing IoT technology adoption in agriculture: Case study results from Norwegian agriculturists
(Master thesis, 2021)Internet of things-based technologies have revolutionized and redesigned almost every industry, including agriculture. As the surge in global population and the increasing demand for food and water becomes more crucial in ... -
Web basert kvitteringsmal-bygger for Zeipt - En brukersentrert prototype
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten omhandler hvordan vi har utviklet en web basert kvitteringsmal-bygger hos Zeipt - en løsning som Zeipt kan bruke til å senke onboardingstiden for fremtidige kunder og løser et problem ved at kunder slipper ... -
Can Digital Nudging Get More Women to Participate in Cervical Screening?
(Master thesis, 2021)Cervical screening can radically reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. It is one of the few cancers that can be prevented due to screening. The Cervical Screening Program in Norway, therefore, recommends all women between ... -
Automatisering av møtenotater: Hvordan øke verdien av møter gjennom automatisk transkribering.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten handler om utviklingen av en løsning som automatiserer transkribering, med fokus på opptak fra digitale møter. Verktøyet gir også brukeren mulighet til å redigere teksten før de kan velge å dele teksten via ... -
Fornye bandene Green Isac og Green Isac Orchestra sine digitale plattformer med mål om å fremme interesse for deres musikk
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Vår oppgave har gått ut på å designe to nye nettsider for de to musikkbandene “Green Isac Orchestra” og “Green Isac”. Målet var å lage to nettsider som reflekterte musikken deres godt, og fremme musikken deres slik at den ... -
Mobilapplikasjon for Skingram: Hvordan utvikle en brukervennlig løsning for hudpleie i et nytt marked ved bruk av riktig funksjonalitet.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Visste du at det i noen hudpleieprodukter finnes ingredienser som kanskje ikke passer din hudtype eller hudtilstand? Mange ingredienser kan alene eller kombinert sammen med andre ingredienser, gjøre huden din verre. I et ... -
Fra e-post til web: Utviklingen av en B2B e-commerceplattform
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten omhandler vår prosess under utvikling av en e-commerceplattform for Watec Solutions sine bedriftskunder. Målet var å føre bestillingene de i dag håndterer over e-post til en webplattform for å spare tid, ... -
How to get away with technical debt: An explorative multiple-case study on autonomous teams and technical debt management
(Master thesis, 2021)Technical debt (TD) is constantly accumulating throughout software development processes. In many autonomous teams this technical debt will damage and injure the process, prohibiting them from adding new functionalities ... -
Mangrove - Developing an application for fundraising and carbon footprint reduction
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)To finalize our bachelor program at the Institute of Technology at Kristiania University College, we are doing our BAO300 bachelor assignment based on developing a solution for a real company, solving real issues and ... -
Booking-app og CMS-løsning for Nion AS – En brukersentrert prototype
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Vår rapport omhandler hvordan vi har utviklet to prototyper for Nion AS, en mobilapplikasjon og et tilhørende admin-panel. Mobilapplikasjonen har som for formål å forenkle bestillingsprosessen til tjenestene som Nion tilbyr. ... -
Exploring Organisational ISMS Alignment with Structuration Theory: A Case Study in a Norwegian Public Sector Agency
(Master thesis, 2021)Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) provides organisations with guidance and strategies on how to implement information security into their organisations and achieve resiliency. It is largely recognised that ... -
Online Learning in Higher Education During A Global Pandemic: An Explorative Study On Norwegian Students
(Master thesis, 2021)Through an exploratory study we aimed to address challenging factors related to learning during the Coronavirus pandemic. We have investigated and identified procrastination, self-regulation, and exam anxiety as important ... -
Aboveit. Your business, your future. Nytt konsept for nettsted.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)En nettside er for mange bedrifter deres ansikt utad, og en oppdatert og moderne nettside er viktig for å skape et godt førsteinntrykk. Denne oppgaven går ut på å lage et nytt konsept for nettsiden til vår oppdragsgiver ...