HRM-praksiser i TV-produksjon
Original version
Bastesen, J., Nesheim, T. & Ørjasæter, E. (2023). HRM-praksiser i TV-produksjon. I A. N. Thon, L. E. M. Traavik & K. A. Vedøy (Red.), HR i møte med det nye arbeidslivet (Kap. 12, s. 283–316). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
The research on and practice of human resource management (HRM) typically are related to standard employment relationships and the HRM triad of line managers, employees and a HRM department. In this chapter we describe and analyze HRM in the context of television production in Norway. We identify a “deviant” context that is rarely studied, one characterized by project-based work and contingent employment relationships. In the theoretical part of the paper different contexts for HRM are described. We then provide a brief overview of the Norwegian institutional environment of employment relations. Based on 18 semi-structured interviews with respondents in various roles in TV production, we describe and analyze key HRM themes in the sector. Project organization is a characteristic feature in the production companies. They typically combine a small core of employees on open-ended contracts with (project-based) temporary employees and contractors. A collective agreement has been established in the TV industry for temporary employees, which is quite unique in Norway. A consistent finding is that the HRM function is minimalistic and “fuzzy”, for example, in relation to employee development and performance appraisals. However, many firms emphasize health and safety issues.