Vitenskapelige publikasjoner fra Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon
Denne samlingen inneholder vitenskapelige publikasjoner fra Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon.
Recent Submissions
Assessing transparency and methodological precision in variable measurement within organizational research: implications for validity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study addresses the call for enhanced transparency in methodological reporting by critically assessing methodological rigor and transparency, particularly in variable measurement, within primary cross-sectional ... -
Getting More Women on Boards: Cultural and Institutional Antecedents That Matter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the multiple cultural and institutional antecedents which can positively (or negatively) impact the incorporation of more women on corporate boards ... -
Career ambitions of women academics. Are women willing and able to rise to the top in higher education institutions?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The disproportion of women to men at the top tier in the academic hierarchy, concerns politicians, academic leaders, students, and other stakeholders. A popular explanation for the gender imbalance in elite positions is ... -
HRM-praksiser i TV-produksjon
(Chapter, 2023)The research on and practice of human resource management (HRM) typically are related to standard employment relationships and the HRM triad of line managers, employees and a HRM department. In this chapter we describe and ... -
Introduksjon: Komparative perspektiver på entreprenørskap og sosial endring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Dette er introduksjonen til et spesialnummer om entreprenørskap. Det forteller hvordan entreprenørskapsbegrepet kom inn i antropologien på 1960-tallet og dets betydning for antropologiens kjernevirksomhet – å frembringe ... -
Introduksjon: Komparative perspektiver på entreprenørskap og sosial endring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Dette er introduksjonen til et spesialnummer om entreprenørskap. Det forteller hvordan entreprenørskapsbegrepet kom inn i antropologien på 1960-tallet og dets betydning for antropologiens kjernevirksomhet – å frembringe ... -
Ledelsesutdanningens muligheter: Om å utvikle en realistisk lederselvtillit i samspill med andre
(Book, 2023)This chapter takes as its vantage point the fact that leadership is not something that can be taught or learned as a set of objective and universal skills and abilities. Thus, in dealing with an array of mixed and demanding ... -
Hvordan god rekrutteringspraksis kan hindre destruktiv ledelse og fremme samskapende ledelse
(Chapter, 2023)Abstract: The purpose of the chapter is to increase the understanding of how recruitment practices affect management practices. To explore the consequences of hiring inadequate managers, the author poses the following three ... -
Ledelse av mennesker i det nye arbeidslivet
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2020) -
Gårsdagens suksess – morgendagens begrensning? Strategisk relevant handlingsrom: En rikere forståelse av leders handlingsrom
(Chapter, 2020)Managerial discretion is said to be a fundamental condition for effective leadership. Studies of managerial discretion have to a large degree focused on the magnitude of managers’ discretion and how different factors ... -
Stability of Individuals’ Definitions of Success and the Influence of Perceived Motivational Climate: A Longitudinal Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the present study, we investigated the stability and malleability of cadets’ definitions of success (mastery and performance goal orientations) contextualized within a certain motivational climate (mastery and performance ... -
Kontraktsoppfølging i offentlige anskaffelser
(Chapter, 2021)Abstract: Procurement is the intermediary between external suppliers and internal functions that create and deliver value for citizens. Contract administration is about the follow-up of suppliers who deliver goods and/or ... -
Building Organizational Resilience Through Organizational Learning: A Systematic Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)With organizational environments becoming increasingly complex and volatile, the concept of “organizational resilience” has become the “new normal”. Organizational resilience is a complex and multidimensional concept which ... -
Leadership styles and safety performance in high-risk industries: a systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The importance of leadership on safety has been well acknowledged and studied for many years in various high-risk industries. This paper aims at (1) synthesising the existing safety leadership research by performing a ... -
Individual variable pay for performance, controlling efects, and intrinsic motivation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A core question in research on compensation and motivation is whether individual variable pay for performance (IVPFP) can undermine intrinsic motivation in the workplace. We investigated the mediating role of a controlling ... -
The European Central Bank
(Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics (PSEUP);, Chapter, 2021)This chapter suggests that the European Central Bank´s (ECB’s) changed role over the last 10 years can be conceptualized by three modes of crisis handling: Denial, Mission Creep, and Mission Leap. The ECB was never intended ... -
Sponsorship-based health care programs and their impact on employees' motivation for physical activity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Research question: This study investigates the impact of a healthcare portal and employee attitude toward a healthcare program on sponsorship-based employee motivation to do physical exercises. Research methods: Applying ... -
Bruk av nettverk i kvinners karriereutvikling mot professor- og dosentstillinger i akademia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I akademia har det vært tradisjon for å assosiere karriere og avansement med personlig talent og særlige kompetanser, og noe som gjerne har blitt forstått som den enkeltes ansvar. Karriereutvikling i Norge blir imidlertid, ... -
Equality as a driver of inequality? Universalistic welfare, generalised creditworthiness and financialised housing markets
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Scandinavian countries are known for their universalistic welfare states, corporatist coordination, strong economic performances and egalitarian outcomes, an institutional combination often referred to as the “The Nordic ... -
Kvinnelige forskeres forventninger til professorrollen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Vi undersøker hvordan den nye professorrollen oppleves av kvinner som er på vei inn i professorstillinger sett i lys av reformene i universitets- og høgskolesektoren de seneste årene. Betraktningene til de fremtidige ...