Browsing School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology by Title
Now showing items 231-250 of 304
Personlighetstrekk og opplevelse av negativt stress
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-11-11) -
Et perspektiv på lederens personlighet: fra jernhånd til silkehanske
(Bachelor thesis, 2013-12-09)Problemstilling: Hvordan har oppfattelsen av en god leders personlighet endret seg i ledelsesteorier fra 1800-tallet og frem til i dag? Er det sammenheng mellom endring i ledelsesteorier og endring i verdiskapningsform? Vi ... -
PMData: a sports logging dataset
(Chapter, 2020) -
Pop-up fenomenet i Norge
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-11-14)Temaet for oppgaven er pop-up bruk i Norge. Med snever akademisk teori, har vi erfart at temaet er lite belyst. Med dette som utgangspunkt ønsker vi å bidra med forskning på området ved å ta for oss følgende problemsti ... -
(Chapter, 2017)There is a request for research to examine consumer-purchasing behavior in online grocery retailing. By definition, behavior includes both cognition and observable responses. Neuro-Information Systems (NeuroIS) is a framework ... -
Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in questing Ixodes ricinus nymphs in southern Scandinavia and the possible influence of meteorological factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Ixodes ricinus ticks are Scandinavia's main vector for tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), which infects many people annually. The aims of the present study were (i) to obtain information on the TBEV prevalence in ... -
Price consciousness as basis for Thai and Finnish young adults’ mobile shopping in retail stores
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)An increasing number of global consumers use their smartphones to shop for goods. This short paper aims to explore if a price-conscious decision-making style has a relationship with young adult consumers’ tendency to perform ... -
Privacy reinforcement learning for faults detection in the smart grid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recent anticipated advancements in ad hoc Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) have made them strong natural candidates for Smart Grid’s Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) and the ongoing work on Advanced Metering Infrastructure ... -
Random Testing and Evolutionary Testing for Fuzzing GraphQL APIs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Graph Query Language (GraphQL) is a powerful language for APIs manipulation in web services. It has been recently introduced as an alternative solution for addressing the limitations of RESTful APIs. This paper introduces ... -
Rebel Cash: praktisk betalingsapplikasjon som samler nyttige verktøy.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne rapporten beskriver prosessen gjennom vårt Bachelorprosjekt fra januar til juni 2021. Den gjennomgår reisen vår gjennom utforming og utvikling av Rebel Cash applikasjonen vi laget for vår kunde. Dette prosjektet ... -
Recurrent neural network with density-based clustering for group pattern detection in energy systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This research explores a new direction in power system technology and develops a new framework for pattern group discovery from large power system data. The efficient combination between the recurrent neural network and ... -
Reinforcement learning multi-agent system for faults diagnosis of mircoservices in industrial settings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper develops a new framework called MASAD (Multi-Agents System for Anomaly Detection), a hybrid combination of reinforcement learning, and a multi-agents system to identify abnormal behaviors of microservices in ... -
The relative impact of health communication conveyed via quick response codes: A conjoint experiment among young thai consumers doing grocery shopping
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
The relative impact of QR codes on omnichannel customer experience and purchase intention
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study explores the relative impact of quick response (QR) codes in an omnichannel customer situation. A conjoint experiment was conducted where participants (n=53) assigned scores to stimuli cards according to experience ... -
The relative importance of healthy food labels when shopping for groceries online
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Healthy food labels are a widely used form of intervention that nudges consumers towards healthier choices. This study investigates the relative importance of healthy food labels on the consumers’ online choice of grocery. ... -
Resource and dependency based test case generation for RESTful Web services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Response to the global financial crisis: a follow-up study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
A Review of Formal and Informal Regulations in the Nordic Influencer Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article provides a systematic review of laws, guidelines, and best practices related to the Nordic influencer industry as of the year 2020. We highlight some nuanced differences or shortfalls across Denmark, Finland, ... -
A Review of Formal and Informal Regulations in the Nordic Influencer Industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article provides a systematic review of laws, guidelines, and best practices related to the Nordic influencer industry as of the year 2020. We highlight some nuanced differences or shortfalls across Denmark, Finland, ... -
Samskapende sosial innovasjon, en snarvei til et bærekraftig velferdssamfunn?
(Bachelor thesis, 2018-10-01)Velferdsstaten Norge trenger hjelp til å løse fremtidens velferdsbehov. Et av disse problemområdene er rusproblematikken. Statistikken for overdosedødsfall har vært lik de siste årene. Dette indikerer at eksisterende ...