Browsing School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology by Title
Now showing items 25-44 of 304
“Bankers fremtid” Linje: Kreativitet, innovasjon og forretningsutvikling
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-10-07)Denne oppgaven omhandler Vipps og det kommende PSD2 direktivet (Januar, 2018). En regulering i EU som gir flere mulighet til å kunne drive bankvirksomhet. Det legger også til rette for mer innsikt, som igjen kan legge til ... -
Banking on Green Information Systems: An exploratory case study of a Norwegian bank facilitating sustainability accounting and reporting
(Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this dissertation is to explore how an incumbent financial institution intend to overcome inhibiting legacy systems to facilitate sustainability accounting and reporting, a relatively new phenomenon in its ... -
Barrierer for innovasjon: delingsøkonomi med gårsdagens regler?
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-10-07)Vår bacheloroppgave har som formål å gi en dypere innsikt i hvordan finanskomiteen håndterer reguleringene av delingsøkonomien. For å avgrense fenomenet, har vi valgt å ta utgangspunkt i den mye omtalte tjenesten Uber. ... -
Basic digital competence in Norwegian banking
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)While the 21st century is crowded with disruptive technologies and ground-breaking innovations, this study will take a step back and explore basic digital competence, such as navigating a spreadsheet or using word processing ... -
Beslutningstaking i jaktfasen til Mills DA: Et casestudie av innovasjonsprosessen til Mills DA
(Bachelor thesis, 2016-11-14)Tema for denne bacheloroppgaven er å avdekke hvilke faktorer som er de mest avgjørende for beslutningene som tas hos den norske matvareprodusenten Mills DA. Selskapet jobber strategisk og trinnvis med innovasjon, og ... -
Best Value Procurement: Et friskt pust i offentlige anskaffelser?
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven tar for seg prosjektstyrings- og anskaffelsesmetoden Best Value Procurement (BVP). Ideen om utformingen av metoden er basert på at man ønsket å finne en bedre måte å gjennomføre prosjekter på, da mange ... -
A Bibliometric Analysis of the HICSS Software Technology Track
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The HICSS Software Technology track has a long tradition and many papers have been published as part of its history. Its impact in terms of citations, paper contributions, author share and community impact does not yet ... -
A bibliometric study of human–computer interaction research activity in the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Human–computer interaction (HCI) has become an important area for designers and developers worldwide, and research activities set in national cultural contexts addressing local challenges are often needed in industry and ... -
BIoMT-ISeg: Blockchain internet of medical things for intelligent segmentation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the quest of training complicated medical data for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) scenarios, this study develops an end-to-end intelligent framework that incorporates ensemble learning, genetic algorithms, blockchain ... -
A bird in the hand: empirically grounded archetypes of collaborative innovation in the public sector
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Normative approaches have dominated research on collaborative innovation arrangements in the public sector, but actual practices remain underexplored and uncategorized. We conducted an inductive, in-depth study of 35 ... -
Booking-app og CMS-løsning for Nion AS – En brukersentrert prototype
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Vår rapport omhandler hvordan vi har utviklet to prototyper for Nion AS, en mobilapplikasjon og et tilhørende admin-panel. Mobilapplikasjonen har som for formål å forenkle bestillingsprosessen til tjenestene som Nion tilbyr. ... -
Bridging the Gap : Understanding the Adoption of Gamification for Technical Debt Management in Agile Software Development
(Master thesis, 2023)Most software companies have adopted agile methodologies for their software development projects. Due to its delivery-oriented nature, Agile Software Development (ASD) is more prone to Technical Debt (TD) than traditional ... -
Brukerengasjement på Facebook: Nordic Dreamers
(Bachelor thesis, 2018-10-01)Brukerengasjement i virtuelle samskapingsgrupper, i kontekst av skandinavisk banknæring og fintech, står som sentralt tema i oppgaven. Oppgaven belyser en innovasjonsmetode; samskaping, som i nyere tid har fått fotfeste ... -
Building an open-source system test generation tool: lessons learned and empirical analyses with EvoMaster
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research in software testing often involves the development of software prototypes. Like any piece of software, there are challenges in the development, use and verification of such tools. However, some challenges are ... -
Bulder Bank on a potential disruptive path
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper presents a case study of Bulder Bank, based on the literature of Bower and Christensen (1995). Today, most banks operate as “financial supermarkets” and offer everything from daily banking to loans to insurance ... -
Bærekraft og ledelse. En kvalitativ studie om lederes motivasjon for bærekraft
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)I denne sluttoppgaven ønsker vi å se på hvilke motivasjonsfaktorer ledere har når de tar bærekraftige valg. Bærekraft har vært et voksende og sentralt tema for samfunnet vårt og de kommende generasjonene, og er også et ... -
Bærekraftig atferd. Sammenhengen mellom bærekraftig holdning og handling
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)I denne oppgaven har vi tatt for oss temaet bærekraft som er avgrenset til klima og miljø. Studiens problemstilling er: Hva må til for å sikre en atferdsendring blant forbrukere for å omgjøre en positiv miljøholdning til ... -
Can Digital Nudging Get More Women to Participate in Cervical Screening?
(Master thesis, 2021)Cervical screening can radically reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. It is one of the few cancers that can be prevented due to screening. The Cervical Screening Program in Norway, therefore, recommends all women between ... -
CANDIDATE: A tool for generating anonymous participant-linking IDs in multi-session studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
A Case Study on Digital Competence in the Norwegian Banking Sector
(Master thesis, 2020-06-08)Innovation starts with people, making humans an integral part of an organizations growth and development. While this 21st-century is crowded with disruptive technologies and ground-breaking innovations, this master thesis ...